A study carried out by the CURS polling institute, commissioned by the Ministry of Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities (MFTES), shows that the majority of young people believe that the Romanian education system is “rigid and ineffective”. However, when asked how they acquired math and basic science and technology skills, 67% say from classical education, and 12% from non-formal education.
Youngsters also say that they also acquired other skills from classical education: communication in Romanian (51%), communication in foreign languages (37%) and digital (33%).
On the other hand, they say that non-formal learning has helped them acquire skills such as learning to learn, social and civic, cultural and entrepreneurial.
Half of the young people in Romania say that the education system prepares them little or not at all to acquire the “skills that are required by employers”.
47% of them agree to some extent with the statement “In the educational system young people learn social and civic skills necessary to be an active citizen in society”, while 33% agree to a small extent or not at all.
“The educational system is perceived by the majority of young people as rigid and ineffective,” the study carried out by CURS states. However, the same study shows, in the chapter “Life satisfaction”, that when it comes to education, “more than 2 out of 3 young people are satisfied or very satisfied (79%).
45% of young people believe that access to education is a problem in Romania. 44% are satisfied with access to medical services, while 21% say they are dissatisfied.
When it comes to the chance to have a suitable home, young people in Romania say they are in a difficult situation. “The chance of having adequate housing is perceived as particularly problematic for more than 2 out of 3 young people (79%),” according to the study.
“Among the issues that concern young people the most is the chance to have a quality home and job, but also access to quality medical services”, declared the Minister of Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities, Natalia Intotero.
The CURS survey was carried out between April and June 2024. Both the opinion poll method was used, with 1,100 respondents aged between 14 and 35, and the separate questioning of 400 “vulnerable” young people, as they are called in study.