NATO’s Largest Black Sea Exercise: 13 Nations, Military & Ships

Thousands of soldiers and dozens of warships are participating in the largest NATO exercise on the Black Sea, coordinated by the Romanian Naval Forces. 12 allied countries sent troops to the Romanian coast.

“Sea Shield 24” is “the most complex exercise organized and conducted by the Romanian Naval Forces,” as described by the Romanian Ministry of Defense.

Along with Romania, 12 allied and partner states participate in the military exercise, such as Bulgaria, France, Georgia, Greece, Italy, Great Britain, Moldova, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Turkey and the United States of America.

More than 2,200 soldiers are involved in the training, of which almost 400 are foreign soldiers, with 135 technical means.

“The scenario of the exercise aims to achieve the objectives of planning and conducting combat actions, combating illegal actions at sea and river, control of maritime and river traffic and search and rescue at sea, in accordance with NATO standards and in the context of current threats of security in the region”, according to MApN.

black seaexerciseMApNmilitarynatoromanian coastromanian naval forcesSea Shield 24shipstroops
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