No county seat in Romania has enough own incomes to be able to support itself, so they have to always resort to money from the state budget to cover their expenses.
According to the budgets last year, most of big cities in Romania spent money on culture, leisure and religion, more than it was allotted to the healthcare issues. Giurgiu and Vaslui, which are already known as the poorest counties in Romania, spent zero funds on healthcare last year.
Craiova also spent a large sum of money on culture, leisure and religious activities: 20% of the total expenses.
On the opposite side, there are Oradea and Cluj-Napoca, already famous for their investments in infrastructure and urban development in the past years, spent more on healthcare than on culture, recreation and religion.
Oradea had most of the expenses for staff (RON 64.4 M), social assistance (RON 23.7 M), EU funds (RON 46.5 M), investments (RON 83.2 M), education (RON 34.6 M), healthcare (RON 34.6 M) and RON 32.9 M for culture, leisure and religion.
Cluj – Napoca spent RON 184 M on staff, RON 90 M on social assistance, RON 109.4 M on investments, EU funds-RON 197 M, education- RON 116.5 M, almost RON 50 million on healthcare and RON 44 M on culture, leisure and religion.
Cities like Miercurea Ciuc, Deva, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Piatra Neamț, Zalău, Călărași, Buzău, Galați have expenses below their incomes.
There are cities that preferred to make investments from the state funds rather from the European money: Târgu Jiu, Slobozia, Slatina, Piatra Neamț, Satu Mare, Alexandria.
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