Over half of Romanian net surfers are reading blogs

More than half of the Romanian Internet users (58%) aged over 16 are reading blogs, reads a study conducted by iSense Solutions. Among those, young persons are the most faithful readers, arguing that blogs help them being up to date and influence their opinions about certain products or social actions.

Romanians are mostly reading general blogs (15 pc), gastronomy blogs (11 pc) but also fashion/lifestyle/beauty blogs (10 pc). The blog categories are depending however on the readers’ sex or age.

„Our survey fulfill our expectations. Women are mostly interested in gastronomy blogs (17pc) and in fashion/lifestyle/beauty ones (17 pc) more than men are (5 pc, 2 pc respectively). On the other hand, men prefer more the journalists’ blogs (13 p) and IT blogs (8 pc).

Teenagers aged 16 to 24 prefer reading blogs on fashion, lifestyle or beauty (29%), while persons up to 45 years old and pensioners are mostly following political blogs (10 pc and 14 pc),” said Traian Nastase, Managing Partner iSense Solutions.

Although the study reveals that blogs are mainly read by graduated persons (62 pc), only 16 pc of them  totally agree that the articles they follow on these blogs are high-quality information. Yet, blogs are considered particularly as information media by 40 pc of the young persons aged 16 to 24. More than that, they admit that bloggers influence their opinion about some products or brands (23%) and or about some social facts (24%).

„Blog readers living in the western part of the country-Arad, Timis, Caras-Severin and Timisoara counties-are rejecting bloggers’ influence upon social fatcs in a higher procentage than the total of the readers (25 pc compared to 12 pc). At the same time, the study shows that more women than men are aware of a blogger’s attempt to promote a certain product or brand (46 pc of women compared to 35 pc of men),” Andrei Canda, Managing Partner iSense Solutions added.

The survey was conducte online on a 1,014-respondent sample, members of ResearchRomania.ro Panel.

beautyblogsfashiongastronomyisense solutionsITjournalistslifestylespoliticalreadersRomanians
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