Peles Castle, the Romanian Athenaeum and the main headquarters of the National Museum of the Contemporary Art, hosted by the Palace of Parliament are among the monument buildings in Romania which are operating without fire safety authorization issued by the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (ISU).
The information was disclosed by some governmental sources to Among the patrimony buildings who are usually hosting public events with hundreds of spectators, there are also the National Theatre and National Opera in Cluj-Napoca and Bran Museum.
The patrimony sheltered by “Dimitrie Gusti” National Peasant Museum in Bucharest is also lacking ISU authorization, although there is a special firemen unit located here, ready to take prompt action in case of fire.
ISU’s mandatory fire authorization has become of high interest after the fire burst at the ’Colectiv’ nightclub on October 30 that claimed 56 people and left other 150 injured.
Few days after the tragedy, a former member of the Palace Hall’s managing board unveiled that the famous concert hall in Bucharest also failed ISU fire safety authorization. In his turn, interim premier Sorin Cimpeanu said that 93 pc of the Romanian schools are also operating without this permit.