Pessimism among Romanians due to the Coronavirus crisis, survey reveals

Around 44 percent of the Romanians don’t trust the methods adopted by the authorities to solve the Coronavirus crisis, says a Irsop survey, quoted by, while 28 percent have high or very high confidence in the Government capacity to tackle the crisis. Almost 3 in 4 Romanians say they have low and very low confidence in the Government’s decisions.

37% of the Romanians believe that information about the epidemic communicated by the authorities are totally true, 58% say it’s partially true and 4% consider them false.

18% of the respondents trust highly the medical info posted on Facebook, while 60% say they have low or zero confidence in Facebook information.

Four in 100 Romanians say they are depressed by the current situation related to COVID-19 outbreak, 54% are concerned and 37% are confident.

Over half of respondents (67%) say we’ll barely get out of this crisis, while 31% are optimist that we’ll get out sooner.

57% say things are going to worse, while 42% consider they’re going to better.

63% believe authorities will be overwhelmed and 77% expect a price hike and that they will not find products so easily.

The survey has been conducted by Irsop on the phone on a sample of 720 people over 18 during March 25-29.

authoritiescoronaviruscrisisfacebookIRSOPmedical infopesimistRomaniansSurvey
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