President Klaus Iohannis has rejected on Wednesday the Justice minister’s proposal to appoint Adina Florea as chief prosecutor of the National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA). Minister Tudorel Toader’s proposal is thus rejected for the second time.
The President’s ground is that the documents sent to the Presidency do not contain the proof that Florea didn’t collaborate with the Securitate, the former communist secret police.
“I see the legal and factual grounds considered when I first rejected the proposal to appoint Mrs. Adina Florea as chief prosecutor of the National Anti-corruption Directorate remain the same,” reads the head of state’s message sent to Justice minister Tudorel Toader.
Iohanis’ main reason is that the paperwork accompanying the proposal made by the JusMin does not contain the proof that Adina Florea was not a Securitate collaborator or a Securitate officer.