Interim Prosecutor General to review the Revolution file

Romania’s interim Prosecutor General, Bogdan Licu, will re-analyse the Revolution file, after the leader of the 21st December 1989 Association, Teodor Maries had filed a new complaint against the prosecutors’ decision to close down the case in October last year.

As a matter of fact, the Supreme Court retried the case after it had been fired off with several complaints on this topic.

If the complaint is granted, the investigations in the 1989 Revolution case will be resumed.

In October 2015 military prosecutors from the Prosecutor’s Office upon the Supreme Court on Friday closed the 1989 Revolution file, which investigated 709 dead and 2,198 injured (1,855 shot and 924 remanded), arguing that there are previous convictions for some of the crimes in some other cases. Prosecutors established that in some cases, the death was caused “by the imprudent operation of the arms, while the victims were among those who were in the close proximity of the perpetrators.”

Read the full story here.

21 December 1989 Associationbogdan licuclose downcomplaintinterim prosecutor generalleaderRevolution filesupreme courtTeodor Maries
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