Protests against “the little train ordinance” in Bucharest, on the day of the Little Union

Railway workers, military reservists, police officers, miners, foresters, steelworkers or Metrorex employees are expected on Friday at a protest rally organized in Victoriei Square, amid dissatisfaction generated by the small train ordinance, the Pensions Law and the non-application of the railway personnel statute.
The Traffic Police announced that traffic may be restricted in the Victoriei Square area.
Other unions and union federations will also participate in Friday’s protest against the little train ordinance, such as those of pensioners, police, army, etc., but also from other sectors of activity, namely protesters from Henry Coandă Airport, from Metrorex, miners, foresters, steelworkers, etc.

The Federation of Forestry Trade Unions Silva announced that the protest will include not only foresters but also railway workers, reservist military personnel, police officers, miners, steelworkers, energy sector workers, and other socio-professional groups from the National Trade Union Confederation Meridian and other union structures.

This protest is a continuation of three rallies held at the Ministry of Labor and the Government in September, October, and November, which saw tens of thousands of union members from the Meridian Confederation and pensioners from various economic sectors in attendance.

Among the demands announced by the Silva Federation are:

  • The repeal of the “austerity ordinance”—Emergency Ordinance 156/2024—through which the Government introduced “absurd fiscal-budgetary measures leading to a significant decline in workers’ living standards and worsening population poverty.” These measures, the union argues, have frozen and reduced wages, violated collective labor agreements, and significantly impacted both employees’ and pensioners’ incomes, undermining purchasing power amid inflation that exceeded 10% in 2023 and 5% in 2024, alongside rising prices for fuel, basic food items, medication, services, and utilities.
  • Payment of overdue compensations from the state budget for 2024, representing mandatory forestry services provided by forest administrators, as well as budget allocations to support the administration of publicly owned forests, protected natural areas, and breeding programs for heritage horse breeds, as stipulated by Law 331/2024 (the Forestry Code).
  • Exempting the management of state-owned forests from corporate governance regulations, similar to the exemption granted to administrators of forests owned by local administrative units under the New Forestry Code (Law 331/2024). The union argues that corporate governance, which prioritizes profit maximization, is incompatible with sustainable forest management, which balances social, ecological, and economic functions.

The union further requests removing the planned reduction in forestry directorates, a measure included in the 2024–2028 Government Program and slated for implementation within the first six months of 2025. Specialists warn this “political decision” would jeopardize long-term forest management, escalate illegal logging, and lead to the degradation and destruction of the country’s forests.

“The Romanian Government must understand that forests represent a matter of national security,” the union stated. “Under Law 51/1991 on national security, actions that harm Romania’s strategic economic interests, or lead to the endangerment, degradation, or destruction of natural resources, including forests, game reserves, and water resources, constitute threats to national security.”

Additionally, the union demanded that the Government honor its commitment from discussions with unions on November 29, 2024, to implement Article 28(k) of Law 360/2023 on the public pension system. This provision concerns the classification of certain jobs as involving special working conditions and the payment of contributions for these categories of workers starting September 1, 2024, the effective date of the law.

The demands supported by the Silva Federation aim to ensure decent working, wage, and retirement conditions for forestry workers, promote sustainable forest management regardless of ownership type, strengthen the activity of state forest administrators, safeguard forestry jobs, and reevaluate the role of foresters in society,” the Federation emphasized.

According to the Traffic Brigade, participants are expected to gather for the protest between 1:00 PM and 1:30 PM, with the demonstration itself scheduled to last until 3:30 PM. Depending on the number of participants, dynamic traffic restrictions may be implemented. In Piața Victoriei, traffic may be reorganized to ensure two traffic lanes in each direction in front of the Government headquarters, between Aviatorilor Boulevard and Calea Victoriei, as well as Lascăr Catargiu Boulevard.

Bucharestforestersgovernmentlittle train ordinanceMetrorexmilitaryminerspensions lawpoliceprotestsrailway workersrally
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