Resigning Justice minister reveals: Draft bills brought for opinions several hours before the government sittings

The resigning minister of Justice, Tudorel Toader starts disclosing behind-the-scenes of this mandate at the helm of the ministry, posting on Facebook that the draft bills were brought to the ministry for opinions several hours before the government sitting, and then delays of the Justice ministry were invoked.

Toader has posted a photo of his  low profile silhouette down the hall of the Justice Ministry. “At the MJ“, reads the photo caption.

The resigning minister also added that sometimes there was the opposite: first they talked about the delay, then the draft bill was sent to the ministry for its opinion.

“A simple question! Does anyone admit that fact that the legislative acts were sometimes brought for the ministry’s opinion several hours before the Government sitting, and then  certain delay of the ministry was claimed?

P.S. It is also true that sometimes, there was exactly the opposite: first they invoked the delay of the Justice Ministry, then they brought us the legislative act for an opinion”, Toader posted on Facebook.

His stance comes after previous disclosures on Facebook Saturday, with Toader retorting to PSD chairman Liviu Dragnea, after the SocDem leader denounced that the Justice ministry led by Toader had given only negative opinions on an emergency ordinance regarding the simplification of the public procurement.

Toader delivered the message to Dragnea that he had never blocked nor delayed the procedure to OK and adopt legislative acts.

Thanks to all the colleagues in the Justice Ministry who made possible that the average time to give an opinion to a legislative act, calculated from its registration to its exit from the ministry, did not last more than 2.5 days, maximum 3 days.

I congratulate all the colleagues in the ministry who, during the process of providing opinions to the legislative acts, have proved full responsibility and high professionalism.

I will also release the statistics in this regard on Monday

P.S. I shall not be passive anymore against many disinformation!,” Toader said on Saturday.

Transport minister Razvan Cuc, has also stated in Targu Jiu on Sunday that he had launched the public procurement GEO, but he had only got 17 pages of observations from the Justice Ministry, among which there was also the request to obtain an opinion from the Supreme Defence Council (CSAT). “An aberration”, Cuc said.

delaydraft billsemergency ordinancegovernment sittingsjustic eministrylegsilative actsLiviu Dragneaopinionpublic procurementresigning justice ministerTudorel Toader
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