Romanian lawyer appointed ICC vice president

Lawyer Crenguta Leaua was appointed vice president of the International Court of Arbitration in Paris. She is to take office as of July 1.

“It is for the first time that the list of ICC vice presidents includes a magistrate from a Eastern European country, other than Russia. The nomination is coming after ending a three-year term as ICC member (…)”, Crenguta Leaua told a press release.

She is an experienced referee in over 100 cases, being on the referees’ lists of the arbitration courts upon chambers of commerce and industry in Romania, Austria, Poland, Bulgaria and Slovenia, as well as in Kuala Lumpur and Shanghai.

The International Court of Arbitration in Paris, the most important arbitration body worldwide, has 17 vice presidents covering all continents. A significant number of ICC arbitration procedures take place in Romania on an annual basis or with the Romanian magistrates’ contribution.

crenguta leauaICCinternational court of arbitrationlawyerparisRomanianvice president
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