Romanian midwife features in campaign praising NHS staff in UK

Claudia Anghel, a Romanian working as a midwife in UK, is among the 12 employees of the NHS whose faces are featuring in a campaign through which Brits thank the British medical staff for their efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Her face has become more and more familiar to the Brits as it can be seen on the billboards on the public buildings or transport a daily basis, practically representing the symbol of the anti-Covid 19 fight in the United Kingdom.

Claudia Anghel used to work as a midwife in Romanian as well, in a hospital in Calarasi (southeastern Romania). Seven years ago she left to work in UK and she is now midwife at the university hospital in Coventry and Warwickshire.

“I don’t like having my picture taken so when I heard about the photo shoot my first thought was ‘I can’t do that.’ I felt really nervous and embarrassed about it. But then I thought it’s got to be a good thing if it promotes midwifery which I feel is a very noble profession,” Claudia confesses about her featuring in the campaign.

She said she had been encouraged by her dad to pursue this medical career.

“When I was young growing up in Romania, I always knew that I wanted a career that made a difference. It was the advice of my dad, who is my absolute hero, that encouraged me to be a midwife – and I’m so glad it did. I still find my love for the job continues to grow each day (…) My dad died suddenly last year, but I know how proud he was that I am an NHS midwife, especially when he saw how much people valued and appreciated me. When I go back to Romania or have a few days off I really miss it and can’t wait to get back to work,” Claudia said.

About her job as a midwife during the coronavirus pandemic, she admits it is a difficult, but it is also challenging.

“Even during challenging times, midwifery is about life and joy. Of course, we are concerned, but we are also strong. I still get up in the morning, put on my uniform and a bit of lipstick and go to work (although these days the masks we wear mean the lipstick doesn’t last long!).”

billboardscampaignClaudia AnghelCoventry and WarwickshireCOVID-19effortsfightmedical staffmidwifeNHSpandemicsymbolUK
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