Romanian Orthodox Church: No communion at the Sunday service for now

The communion is still delayed across the Romanian Orthodox churches, the Patriarchy announces, until it consults with all other Orthodox Churches and finds another solution, other than giving the communion with a plastic spoon.

So, even if Sunday masses are resumed in open air after May 15 when the state of emergency ends, no one will be able yet to receive the Holy Sacrament.

“It’s nothing new and contrary to the Church’s liturgical theology, which has the purpose of guiding the believer through a real world, seldom confronted with serious crises, including medical ones. Under certain circumstances we must pass the test of the Christian realism, which protect us of any form of magical approach <of the holy things> and we must not put the deep faith in conflict with the practical reason. The authentic Christianity, fed by the loyalty to the true evangelical tradition, is not artificially prompting a conflict between faith and reason, but it is cultivating both with discretion”, says a BOR statement.

BOR spokesperson Vasile Banescu has told Digi24 on Tuesday that consultations among churches are taking place on the issue of the Holy Sacrament, as it is a matter that pertains to the Church and its ban cannot fall under the state’s authority.

The Holy Sacrament was delayed also due to the epidemic reasons for two months in Romania in 1829.

BORchurchescommunionholy sacramentopen-airplastic spoonRomanian Orthodosunday masses
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