Romanians travelling to Greece warned over Cyclone Daniel

The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) has issued a travel warning for Greece, where a Code Red alert of heavy rains, strong wind gusts, thunderstorms is in force, following the intensification of the effects of Cyclone Daniel.

MAE informs Romanian citizens who are in, transiting or intending to travel to Greece that the local Meteorological Service (EMY), against the background of the intensification of the effects of cyclone “Daniel”, has issued a new red code of unfavorable weather, which will affect most regions, until Thursday.

Quantitatively significant showers, accompanied by thunderstorms, strong wind gusts, floods, sudden temperature drops – of 6 to 8 degrees Celsius, will occur throughout the country, as follows.

On Wednesday, heavy rains and storms will be recorded in the regions of Epirus , Thessaly, central and eastern Sterea (mainly the prefectures of Evrytania, Fthiotida and Viothia), central Macedonia (the prefectures of Pieria, Imathia and Halkidiki) and Attica (mainly the southern and coastal area), the eastern and southern Peloponnese, the island of Evia , the island of Crete, the Sporades islands and the Cyclades islands.

On Thursday, heavy rains and storms are forecast in the regions of Thessaly, central and eastern Sterea (mainly the prefectures of Fthiotida and Viothia), the island of Evia and the Sporades islands.

Updated information on the evolution of meteorological phenomena is available on the website of the National Meteorological Agency of Greece (

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommends that Romanian citizens strictly follow the instructions of the responsible Greek authorities, and if they are faced with a situation of imminent danger, to use the single emergency number 112.

Romanian citizens can request consular assistance at the phone numbers of the Romanian Embassy at Athens: +302106710035 and the Consulate General of Romania in Thessaloniki: +302310340088, the calls being forwarded to the Contact and Support Center of Romanian Citizens Abroad (CCSCRS) and taken over by Call Center operators, on a permanent basis.

Also, Romanian citizens who are faced with a difficult, special situation, with an emergency character, have at their disposal the permanent telephone number of the Embassy of Romania in the Hellenic Republic: +306978996222 and of the Consulate General of Romania in Thessaloniki +306946049076.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also recommends Romanians to check the websites,,, and reminds that Romanian citizens traveling abroad have the “Travel Safely” application is available (, which provides information and travel tips.

bad weatherCode RedCyclone DanielfloodsGreeceheavy rainsmaeministry of foreign affairsrainsRomaniansstorms
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