Russian Ambassador, Valery Kuzmin, robbed while in Sibiu

Russian Ambassador to Bucharest, Valery Kuzmin, has been robbed while visiting the city of Sibiu. The diplomat was downtown Sibiu during the weekend together with his wife and was robbed of his wallet from the shirt’s pocket, informs. Judicial sources say he was attending a theatre play at 21.30h Saturday night.

The same source says the Ambassador had in the wallet some RON 1,250 and USD 250, several fidelity cards, but also the diplomatic identity card.

The Russian Ambassador has filed a complaint to the Police, an investigation for theft is ongoing.

According to, Sibiu Police representatives said five complaints were registered during the weekend for theft – wallets and mobile phones.

“During June 8-10, the Sibiu Municipality Police registered 5 complaints regarding theft (mobile phones and wallets). The Criminal Investigation Office, under the coordination of the Prosecutor’s Office upon the Sibiu Court, is conducting investigations to find the offenders,” Sibiu Police spokeswoman Elena Welter said.


Ambassadorelena welterinvestigationjudicial sourcesmobile phonespolicerussian ambassadorSibiutheftValery Kuzminwallet
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