Over 60,000 Romanians celebrate their birthdays on December 1st

Almost 60,400 Romanians are celebrating their birthdays on December 1st, Romania’s National Day, according to data from the General Directorate for Persons Registry.

This includes 31,407 females, of which 4,565 are under 17 years old, 1,852 in the 18 – 24 age group, 17,881 in the 25 – 65 age group, and 7,109 are over 65 years old.

Among the 28,953 males, 4,709 are in the 0 – 17 age group, 1,985 are in the 18 – 24 age group, 17,625 are in the 25 – 65 age group, and 4,633 are over 65 years old.

birthdaysDecebmber 1femalesmalesromania's national dayRomanians
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