‘Romania libera’ staff protests against the management and delayed wages

The editorial staff of the daily ‘Romania Libera’ has sent on Thursday a protest to the press against the delayed wages and the mismanagement of the the company which publishes the newspaper, Medien Holding, by Adrian Rus. The protest surfaces on the background of the imminent coming of Rares Bogdan (‘Realitatea TV’ current manager) as manager. Contacted on Thursday by HotNews.ro, owner Dan Grigore Adamescu (photo) said Rares Bogdan would come ‘on the position he wants’ and declined to answer questions about the reasons for the possible changes of management.
In its Thursday protest, the editorial staff says it fought a long ‘guerrilla battle’ with manager Rus Adrian-Ion, a conflict which has worsened in time. The journalists say that, in the past two months, the general manager asked them ‘to accept wages delayed by 60 days’. The conflict began with the first salary delays in 2011-2012. After the discussions in recent days with the owner, Dan Adamescu said he would ‘reset’ the newspaper ‘Romania libera’, he would bring Rares Bogdan instead of Dan Turturica and of Adrian Rus, whom he considered being the ones to blame for what happens with the newspaper.
The protest surfaces as, earlier this week, the editorial staff was informed about the imminent coming of Rares Bogdan as manager. He said at the time that a final decision was not taken yet.

Adrian Rusdan adamescuDan Turturicadelayed wagesnewspaperprotestrares bogdanRomania libera
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