SRI and DNA infringed sometimes the rights and freedoms of citizens in their actions, believe 51% of respondents in a survey carried out by AB Research commissioned by the Institute for Liberal Studies, while 27% of respondents say that these rights and freedoms have never been violated by SRI and DNA.
The interviewed believe that the main problems Romania faces currently are (first option expressed): low incomes (23%), corruption (21%), jobs/unemployment (16%), health (6 %), education (4%), the refugee crisis (4%), infrastructure (3%), other problems (15%). ‘Don’t know/no answer’ – 8% of respondents.
Regarding the refugee crisis, 61% say Romania shouldn’t receive around 5,000 refugees from Syria and the Middle East, 31% agree with this action and 8% say they don’t know, or do not respond.
Overall, more than half of those surveyed (54%) believe Romania goes in the wrong direction, 30% say it is going in the right direction, while 14% say it isn’t going in any direction/ both ways/ is stagnant and 2% responded ‘do not know / don’t answer.
How should the government be changed?
The current government should be changed either by voting in elections (36%) or by parliament until elections (17%), according to the AB Research survey, while 36% of respondents believe that the government ‘should not be changed’.
Regarding future parliamentary elections, respondents who will vote have the first option as follows: PSD (43%), PNL (41%), ALDE (6%), M10 (3%), PMP (2%), UDMR (2%), UNPR (1%), another party or not specified (1%).
“Good or very good” opinions are expressed as follows, according to the survey: PNL (46%), PSD (44%), UNPR (25%), ALDE (22%), UDMR (16%), PMP (13%), M10 (8%).
As methodology, the AB Research survey was conducted by telephone, on a representative sample of 1,005 people selected at national level, in urban and rural areas, carried out during September 26-30. The survey’s error margin is of plus/minus 3% for a 95% confidence interval.
The survey was commissioned by the Institute for Liberal Studies.