The reason why the criminal boy from Belgrade killed his colleagues….

The criminal boy who fatally shot eight of his classmates at the “Vladislav Ribnikar” Elementary School in Belgrade planned this massacre in detail, police officers who searched his home found. The Serbian press writes, citing sources from the investigation, that the boy had a bizarre reason for this criminal act: those on his list were better than him at school and he did not want them to stand out. On his list, the boy had 16 students.

In his home, the police found an outline for the criminal attack and the list of the 16 children. It is assumed that some children were better than him at school, and he did not want them to be noticed for these skills they had, writes the daily

The attack lasted only 120 seconds, during which the boy shot 14 children, a guard and a teacher. He killed eight of the children.

The boy planned the crime for a month. The detectives ordered an examination of the attacker’s mobile phone and computer. According to the cited source, he had read the Criminal Code of Serbia and knew that if he committed the massacre by the time he turned 14, he would not be criminally responsible. It has not yet been established how it was possible for the parents not to notice what the boy was planning and did for a month.

After the massacre, the boy told investigators he felt completely rejected and began planning how to kill all the children in his school. Kosta had two handwritten sheets on him. One was a list of 16 names and surnames of children from the 7th grade B of the Elementary School “Vladislav Ribnikar”.

On top of the paper was written “OB. P.”, probably an abbreviation for “primary objectives”. One name was crossed out, so that the names of eight boys and seven girls remained on the list. The second document was a colored plan of the school with the layout of the classrooms and the inscription “PRIMARY TARGETS”, in English. This is believed to have been Kosta’s basic plan for the murderous attack on colleagues.

Belgradecolleaguescriminal boyKOstalistmassacreschoolshootingstudents
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