The first snow of this season in Bucharest fell on Wednesday morning, December 21, but only in some areas. In the north and west of the Capital, it snowed a lot and often, and the deposited snow layer was a consistent one. At the same time in many other areas it wasn’t even flurrying down.
In the areas of the North of the Capital, in the surrounding towns, as well as in the northwest of Bucharest, in the area of Bucharest Noi, it snowed quite seriously on Wednesday morning, enough to lay down a substantial layer of snow.
At the same time, in other areas of the Capital, in the central, southern or eastern areas, no snowflake laid down.
Temperatures will be rising however, with spring weather expected on the Christmas Eve.
On Wednesday, December 21, temperatures will rise to 3 degrees Celsius at midday. Thursday, December 22, the weather warms up and temperatures will reach up to 6 degrees Celsius during the day.
The weather will be warmer than normal for this period until Christmas Eve, but it will cool down from December 26, so that on New Year’s Eve the temperatures will be close to those typical for the end of December, according to the weather forecast for the period December 19 – 1 January transmitted by the National Meteorological Administration.