Study reveals Bucharest has Romania’s tallest skyline

As cities around the world continue to extend outward, some cities have opted to grow upwards – filling their skylines with towering skyscrapers. And a new study found that Bucharest boasts the tallest skyline in Romania. By analyzing 100,000+ skyscrapers around the globe, Buildworld’s latest study reveals the tallest skyline in every country.
The tallest building in Romania is Sky Tower, counting 36 floors and 137 meters height.

Key Findings

  • Dubai, UAE, has the tallest skyline in the world, with an average height of 323.9 metres
  • The world’s second-tallest skyline belongs to New York, U.S (299.1 metres)
  • China dominates the results with nine cities amongst the top 20 tallest skylines in the world, led by Shenzhen (296.1 metres)
  • Completed in 1710, St Paul’s Cathedral was the tallest building in London, UK at a height of 111.3 metres, until the Millbank Tower was built in 1963 (119.0 metres) which was quickly surpassed by the BT Tower (188.4 metres) in 1964
  • In 1900, the average height of New York’s skyscrapers was 60.7 metres, the average height today is 83.4 metres
  • Hong Kong’s skyline has nearly doubled in the last century, from 57.4 metres in 1935 to 116.8 metres in 2023

BucharestRomaniaSky Towerskylinestudytallest
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