Most Romanians are mostly showing solidarity with the teachers’ strike, shows an Ipsos poll, with the most concern being proven by those aged 18-49 and less concern for the older generation (50-65 years).
The most worried about the education system are obviously the parents, particularly those with children between the ages of 12-15, who see the holding of the evaluation exams threatened.
At the same time, the most preoccupied is the population with a higher social status, with higher education, respectively medium and high level of household income.
73% of Romanians support the way employees in the public system demand their rights through a strike. The level of support from society is high, and the opinion is similarly shared by women and men, in all regions of the country, not differentiated by the level of education, income or professional sphere in which they work.
The main opinion shared by Romanians refers to the Government’s responsibility to implement correct measures for employees in the public system, so as to avoid dissatisfaction that can lead to protest movements. The right to strike is respected and Romanians find it justified from several perspectives: the vision that, if they are not remunerated correctly, we will not have high-performing employees in the public system, the problems that have not been solved for a long time in the system, the low level of wages in the public sector, respectively improper working conditions.
Romanians nuance their opinion and, along with supporting the principle of demanding their rights through a strike, consider that the emergencies that arose during the strike must be resolved and the population must be notified in time.
In a small proportion (21%), the population believes that employees should find another way outside of the strike to resolve claims, and that this form of protest should not apply to all professional categories.
In the respondents’ view, the teaching staff is the professional category most perceived by Romanians as having good reasons to demand their rights through a strike. Staff from the medical field, followed by those from sanitation and transport, enjoy a favorable opinion from the Romanians regarding the request for strike rights. At the opposite pole, parliamentarians are mentioned, as well as staff from ministries, central and local administrations.