On December 1, 2022, we celebrate 104 years since the Great Assembly in Alba Iulia in which the union of Transylvania with Romania was voted, and since 1990, this is also Romania’s National Day. In this context, Reveal Marketing Research conducted a study to find out what the Romanians’ plans are during this period, but also how close they are to our country in terms of consuming Romanian products.
The survey revealed that, after January 1 (36%), National Day is the favorite national holiday of Romanians (30%), while 42% of Romanians will spend National Day at home, where they will choose to relax.
New Year’s Eve, more important for Romanians than the National Day
Although the national holiday preferred by most urban Romanians is January 1 – New Year’s Day (36%), Romania’s National Day ranks second, considered the favorite national holiday by 30% of the respondents. For people over 55 years of age, December 1 ranks first in the list of favorite holidays (49%). Women’s Day is the favorite holiday of 13% of Romanians, and Children’s Day of 12% of them. For young people between 18-24 years of age, Children’s Day is significantly less important (3%), they celebrate Women’s Day or Europe Day to a greater extent. Labor Day and Monarchy Day are preferred by few Romanians, they score 2%.
How will Romanians celebrate Romania’s National Day
42% of respondents declare that they will celebrate Romania’s National Day at home, where they will relax, to a greater extent people over 55 (52%). A quarter of Romanians will also organize a festive meal with family or friends, and 14% declare that they will participate in the parades and events organized on December 1. 28% of urban Romanians will take advantage of this week’s mini-vacation to leave the city for a vacation. Young people between 24 and 34 years old will go on vacation during this period to a significantly greater extent (34%). Among them, a third declare that they will go to the mountains, 28% will visit relatives and 18% will choose to visit another city in the country. A smaller percentage, 7% of those who will go on vacation in the next period, will leave the country or visit friends in another part of the country.
Romanian foods are considered clearly superior to those produced outside the country
For 47% of urban Romanians, the origin or country of production is relevant in choosing the products they purchase. For people over 45 this is significantly more important (65%). Moreover, two-thirds of respondents state that they check the origin of products in the store before purchasing. Following the results of the study conducted by Reveal Marketing Research, we can see that Romanian products are preferred to imported ones to a significant extent.
Romanians consider vegetables and fruits to be the best category of Romanian products, with 23% of respondents considering them to be of the best quality. Wine is considered the best quality Romanian product by 16% of Romanians, and bottled water by 12%.
Romanian products of a higher quality than imported ones are considered to be food products. 97% of Romanians consider Romanian dairy products to be of higher quality than foreign ones. We find similar values for meat (96%), vegetables and fruits (96%), bottled water (96%), but also for basic products (flour, oil, etc.) (94%) and pastry products (94%).
On the other hand, Romanians consider in a significant proportion (77%) that cars produced outside the country are of a higher quality than Romanian ones. We encounter the same situation in the case of clothing items, for which 55% of Romanians believe that imported ones are of better quality than those produced in Romania. For young people between 18 and 24 years of age, a marginal tendency is observed to consider products from outside the country to be of higher quality than Romanian ones, in particular for the categories of non-food products (the weighted difference is 10% on average for all categories measured).