Suspect of terrorism, three others arrested in Iasi

The Iasi Court of Appeals decided to arrest a man in Neamt County, suspect of being part of a terrorist network, along with other three persons suspected of falsifying documents.

Cristian Brizu was arrested for 30 days. The other three, Constantin Mandache, Cristian Aștefănoaei, Gabriel Pintili are charged with forging a network dealing with ‘counterfeiting official documents’.

According to the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) and Police Inspectorate, Cristian Birzu from Roman, Neamt County, converted to Islam and identified with radicalization, executed a prison sentence in Germany and in Romania.

The same source says that, after the executed sentence, he expressed intention to carry out bomb attacks against the special forces of the Interior Ministry which would attempt to capture him, as he was under judicial control set by the Bacau Court of Appeals.

In 2015 he was sentenced by Neamt Court to five years imprisonment for attempted murder, as he had stabbed a 43-year old man in the neck.

“During the period when serving the sentence in Germany, the defender contacted several Muslim inmates, some of them radicalized, he joined their ideology and declared support to terrorist attacks as a way to solve the socio-religious problems. Although under judicial control , he expressed the intention to leave Romania by any means to reach Germany where, together with the support of some members of the Muslim community, to get in contact with Jihadist elements in Syria,” the prosecutors say.

According to the press release, the Police Brigade for fighting organised crime has conducted nine searches in Tuesday in Vaslui and Roman. Following the searches, Islamic cult objects, money, 16 mobile phones, 14 hard-disks, 15 laptops, 15 sticks, 4 printers, fake identity cards were seized.


attempted murderCourt of Appealscrisitan brizuDIICOTGermanyiasiIslamMuslimNeamt Countypolice brigaderomanSyriaterrorism
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