Switzerland to lift labour market restrictions for Romanian citizens

Switzerland will eliminate, as of June 1, 2016, all labour market restrictions imposed on Romanian and Bulgarian citizens, the decision to limit immigration can only be reintroduced if there will be an influx of immigrants from the two countries.

The Swiss government adopted on Wednesday an ordinance that provides access to the labour market for Bulgarian and Romanian citizens as of June 1, 2016.

Switzerland had extended in 2009 and 2014 the restrictive measures on the labour market for Bulgarian and Romanian citizens. The restrictions expire on May 31, 2016 and are not to be extended.

“If the migration from Romania and Bulgaria will exceed by 10% the average of the last three years, on June 1, 2017 or at the latest on June 1, 2018 the Federal Council may introduce new restrictions on the domestic labour market, valid until May 31, 2019,” the Swiss government has decided.

Switzerland is not an EU member but is part of the European Economic Area and of the Schengen free movement area.

Bulgarian citizensEuropean Economic Areaimmigrantslabour marketlabour restrictionsSchengenSwiss governmentswitzerland
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