The first church in Romania equipped with antiseismic system

The 400-year-old church from Aroneanu commune in Iași county, revamped with EU money, will become the first historical monument in the country to have an antiseismic system.

Workers built a new foundation of concrete and steel under the old foundation, while 48 antiseismic insulators will be placed under the church’s foundation. They will take over most part of the shock wave of a potential earthquake.

These devices will practically support 1,500 tons. Each of the seismic insulators can hold 70 tons. What is quite interesting is that 70 tons will sit back only on ball of a fist size,” the manager of the project told Digi24.

In the end, the church will have two foundations and the insulators will be place between them, enabling the church to move 25 centimetres at the most during a quake and thus the 400-year-old historical monument will feel only a third of a potential earthquake, with the rest of the impact being taken over by the insulators.

The antiseismic device is part of a revamping project financed by European funds worth EUR 2 M.

The works had the deadline in December last year but they have been extended by another 6 months due to the constructor’s death. However, the constructor got a EUR 170,000 fine.

“St. Nicholas” church in Aroneanu, located on the road northeastern Iasi city, was built in 1594 and founded by Moldavian ruler Aron Vodă. It was included on the list of the historical monuments in Iași in 2004.

antiseismic systemaron vodaaroneanuchurchearthquakeEU moneyfoundationhistorical monumentiasiinsulatorsrevamping projectst nicholas
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