The first Romanian who swam the English Channel

Romanian Andrei Rosu swam the English Channel within the Arch 2 Arc competition which involves crossing London-Paris distance by running, swimming and pedaling mix.

Competitors have to run 140 kilometers between London and Dovers, to swim the English Channel between Dover and Calais and to cycle 300 kilometers from Calais to Paris.

Andrei Rosu ended the running, with 100 kilometers covered in 13 hours, 23 minutes and 13 seconds.

As for the swimming race, he spent 20 hours in the water that registered only 13 degrees.

“Your cheers meant a lot for me in a race where I have thrown up 42 times due to the sea sick. After 40 kilometers my left arm was not functional anymore. I crossed through two bands of pink and purple jellyfish. The water had 13 degrees in UK and 14 degrees in France. The streams helped me get over the last 4 kilometers,” Andrei wrote on his Facebook page.

39-year-old Andrei Rosu was also the first Romanian to end the ultra triathlon in Mexico, winning the competition in almost 50 hours, while he was swimming 11.4 km, pedaling 540 km and running 126.5 km. He entered the Record Guinness Book for running seven marathons and 7 ultra marathons on seven continents.

The money donated for his campaign will be redirected to Hospice Casa Sperantei, which treats persons with serious diseases.

andrei rosuarch 2 arcenglish channellondon parisRomanianswim
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