The local authorities in the small town in Mizil in Prahova county is implementing a unique system in Romania on refuse collection. More precisely, every trash can in those about 5,000 households will have a memory-chip on, while the waste will be weighed and the locals will pay exactly what they have thrown away.
According to Mizil mayor, Silviu Negraru, the project aims at fostering the waste selection. The chips will be fixed on the trash can and there will be a chip reader on every garbage truck.
The town will set up two types of trash cans, one for the domestic waste and another one for the recyclable waste.
A chip cost about RON 2.50, while a kilo of domestic waste will cost RON 0.30.
So far, every person used to pay RON 11 for the domestic waste.
Moreover, the authorities in Mizil have filed for a new EU funds projects to build an ecological ramp to collect the manure waste from the households.