Trade unions announce general strike in the health system

The trade unions in the health system have announced the triggering of the general strike, following the Government’s failure to come up with any solution for the employees who have earned less money after the enforcement of the wage law and the enforcement of the regulation on cash bonuses.

Thus, next week, on April 26, a rally will be organised in Bucharest with over 10,000 people expected, a warning strike will take place on May 7 and the general strike will be triggered on May 11, reports.

The leaders of the Sanitas Trade Union Federation have announced that they have defined the main claims: “We are asking for the amendment of the wage law – the collective labour contract, the 30% threshold for cash bonuses and the unitary wage growth for all the colleagues.”

Sanitas trade union leader, Leonard Barascu, said on Thursday, after the federation’s sitting, that the general strike will be triggered on May 11, preceded by a rally on April 26 and a warning strike on May 7.

“We want to see 10,000 health employees to the rally. In the health system is chaos,” Barascu said, according to

“Unfortunately, we are talking about the wage law, which is to be enforced in steps until 2022 and we want nobody to lose. The law was made for everyone to win. (…) We need to talks seriously about the wage law and not only about the examples serving the governance,” said in turn Sanitas First Vice-president Iulain Pope.

Pope appeals to the Labour Minister to assume the mistakes when drawing the draft wage law, and to review them.

“I want to make an appeal to the Labour Minister to assume the mistakes about the wage law and review them, the trade unions are not to blame. The regulation on cash bonuses is decent, the problem is we cannot enforce it, meaning that the 30% threshold stops us to grant our colleagues balanced cash bonuses,” he added.

Sanitas Federation First Vice-president, Iulian Pope, has told that the employees are dissatisfied with the new wage law and the new regulation on cash bonuses and “very many wages have decreased.” Pope claims only 15% of the health system employees have collected higher earnings, the rest of them collecting insignificant raises, registering decreases or having the same earnings.

According to, some health system employees in the same hospital have collected higher earnings by hundreds or thousands of RON, whereas others have collected lower earnings by RON 3,000.

Numerous protests were held in the past weeks in the hospitals throughout the country, as many health system employees claim they’ve collected reduced earnings by up to RON 1,700.

Health Minister, Sorina Pintea, admitted that about 10% of the health employees have collected reduced earnings, but claimed the hospital managers should decide on the ways to compensate and correct the reduced wages.


earningsemployeesgeneral strikehealth systemhospital managershospitalsiulian popelabour contractprotestsSanitasSanitas Federationsorina pinteatrade unionsunitary wage lawwages
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