Two-times higher wages do not eliminate the envelope with money in the health system, some say

Some physicians claim that the increased wages in the health system up twofold, will not put an end to the system of giving an envelope with money (should it be called bribe? – our note) to the doctors. It is a habit which has become custom, as some doctors believe they are entitled to take it.

Cardiologist Vasi Radulescu says that higher wages are not going to stop the doctors from receiving envelopes, because some of them believe they are ‘gods’ and will continue to have such inclinations, reports.

“I’m sorry to tell you this, but higher wages will not stop the doctors from accepting envelopes with money. For many it has become a usual thing. If it is RON 6,000 or RON 12,000 it doesn’t matter. The envelope is representative and is built in come people’s genes,” Vasi Radulescu says.

The physician also points to the patients, who believe they should give something, in order to be seen better. “Many people think this way, so the wages have nothing to do with their mentality, this is the result of decades of such behaviours in this segment of society,” Radulescu added.

“A good doctor should have the vocation for morality, for humanity. Many of the doctors have none of these qualities. They have become doctors to collect money, by any means, far above the wage, which is just a bonus, not a source of income. It is sad, but this is the medical system in many cases. Too many. Some would expect a higher respect for patients. No such thing. Some will still believe they are gods, will shout at people, will treat them as the worst human beings, they will believe they are absolute masters in their medical sections. This field is so full of egos, pride, far beyond any trace of normality. Some physicians fight each other, they argue all the time, they want more and more. The wage is only a humble straw smoke,” he said.

He concludes that we need decades to change the mentality.


bribedoctorsenvelopehealth systemmentalitymoneymoralitypatientsphysiciansvasi radulescuwage
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