Update – Sanitas trade unionists decide to trigger general strike in the health system. Minister Pintea: No reason for the decision

Health system trade unionists, Sanitas, have decided to trigger a general strike, according to Digi24 TV. They are dissatisfied that although the wages have increased, they are not in line with the expectations of doctors and nurses. The unionists, who had a meeting on Monday, will trigger the general strike due to the regulation on bonuses and of the wage law.

According to digi24.ro, the decision to launch the general strike was unanimous.

According to the procedures, the protests will start with four days of picketing, which will be held on March 22, 24, 27 and 29 at the ministries of Health, Labour, Finance, and at the PSD offices.

In April, a rally will be organised to gather some 20,000 health employees, all of whom are dissatisfied by the regulation on bonuses and the wage law.

Health Minister: No reason for general strike, no falling revenues

Monday afternoon, Health Minister Sorina Pintea said there is no reason for general strike, as no earnings have been cut.

“We’ll talk to Sanitas again tomorrow. The wages are not smaller. As long as there are no cuts, I don’t believe there are reasons for general strike. I believe it would be hypocrisy for Sanitas leaders to trigger the strike. I believe we can find solutions for all issues. (…) We have a meeting scheduled for tomorrow. I do not understand why a schedule for picketing, strikes, as we haven’t discussed each of them,” Sorina Pintea said.

The minister claims the physicians’ wages have increased since March 1 as well as the net incomes.

“The net earnings do not decrease, they increase,” she said.

The Health Minister added that for the ‘specialised’ hospitals, with large bonuses, they will be diminished, but the earnings will not fall.



Financegeneral strikehealthhealth employeeshealth systemheath ministerlabourpsd officesregulation on bonusesSanitassorina pinteatrade unionistswage lawwages
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