USR deputy reveals PSD chairman Dragnea has a luxury, expensive car, which is not in his wealth statement

After ruling Social Democrat Party chairman Liviu Dragnea had complained about the payment through SMS of the bridge fee at Fetesti on the way to the seaside on May 1 and embarked on a discussion on Facebook with the citizens, also revealing the receipt and the VIN number of his car, an Opposition MP disclosed that the VIN numbers show that Dragnea has driven a luxury car, a BMW 7 series, which is worth over EUR 100,000.

In a Facebook post, the PSD chair said that he had received messages with people complaining they could not pay the bridge fee through SMS. As more interlocutors wanted to make sure that it’s really Dragnea who is posting, the SocDem leader also posted a selfie of him. However, later on, he posted another message saying he was not writing while driving, but he dictated the messages to his lover, Irina Tanase, with whom he spent the May 1 holiday at the seaside.

Moreover, another photo shows the receipt gthrough which Dragnea has paid the vignette, which made USR deputy Ionut Mosteanu investigate about the car.

He probably has nothing to hide. The car does not appear in his wealth statement, it’s a very expensive car which cannot be justified by his MP salary. If he can justify the car, it’s his business. Maybe we’ll see the car in his wealth statement at the end of June,” Mosteanu said.

According to the current wealth statement, Liviu Dragnea has a BMW 5 series and a Skoda Superb.

Meanwhile, media reported that the BMW 4×4 used by Dragnea for his May 1 mini-vacation, would have been bought by his son.

According to, sources from the car dealership where the car had been purchased from, Proleasing Motors in Pitesti, revealed that Liviu Dragnea’s son, Valentin Dragnea, is the one who bought the luxury car, in the name of a company where he is holding the majority stake.

Valentin Dragnea bought the BMW 740 in 2016, for about EUR 130,000.

BMW 7 SeriescarfacebookfeeIonut Mo?teanuLiviu Dragnealuxurym expensivepsdseasideusr deputyVIN numbers
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