What is the cost of a decent life in Romania?

How much money does a Romanian family with two children in the city need to have a decent life? A recent study conducted by the Research Institute of the Quality of Life shows that such a family with two children, living in the city, would need RON 7,000 per month to ensure a decent living. On the other hand, statistics reveal that around 200,000 Romanians are earning over EUR 1,000 per month, which means roughly 4 per cent of the total population.

In Romania, an adult needs around RON 2,500 per month to have a good life, so he or she has to earn at least the medium wage to cover expenses for the house maintenance, to eat healthy food, new clothes or leave on holiday once a year.

A childless couple living in a capital county city needs RON 4,146 to have the same quality if life. The sums is growing when a first child is born to the family, so the sum would exceed RON 5,000. If the family has two children, it needs almost RON 7,000 to cope with the monthly expenses. The sum includes the expenses for the children’s education, medical treatment and going-outs.

Out of the total of 5.2 full time employees in Romania, about 220,000 of them boast salaries of over EUR 1,000, meaning 4.14% of the population.

According to Eurostat, Romania ranks last in the EU on average household income, with EUR 2,742, way behind Bulgaria- EUR 3,600 and far too behind the European average- EUR 16,000.

childrencityclothescostdecent lifedecent livingeducationEurostatfoodholidayhouseincomemedical treatmentRomaniaRomanian familystudy
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