“Yellow Vests” movement endorses Romanian former anti-corruption chief Kovesi

“Yellow Vests” movement from France has voiced endorsement for Romanian ex-anticorruption head Laura Codruta Kovesi, running for the European chief prosecutor seat, although her counterpart is a French prosecutor.

We need Laura Codruţa Kovesi in the fight against corruption“, reads a message posted on the movement’s Twitter account. The  message is accompanied by a photo displaying Kovesi’s image in the middle of a huge heart.

To fight against the white-collar corruption, Europe will establish the <European chief prosecutor”>institution: so, don’t let anyone be named in this position! We need Laura Codruta Kovesi in the fight against corruption”, reads the “Yellow Vests” tweet. Kovesi’s heart-shaped picture reads “European prosecutor against corruption. We need Laura Codruta Kovesi“.

Among other images displayed on the banner it is also a snapshot of an article featuring Liviu Dragnea’s photo, reading that the Government in Bucharest is trying to prevent Kovesi’s appointment in the position of European chief prosecutor.

The yellow vests movement or yellow jackets movement is a political populist movement for economic justice that was born in France in November 2018 and which kicked off wide mass demonstrations on November 17, denouncing rising fuel prices, high cost of living and disproportionate burden of the government’s tax reform falling on the middle classes. The movement was asking for Emmanuel Macron’s and his government resignations.

The family members of Ján Kuciak and Daphne Caruana Galizia, the journalists assassinated in Slovakia and Malta for their journalistic inquiries have sent a letter to the Council of European Union on Thursday, asking them to choose Laura Codruta Kovesi as the head of the European Prosecutor’s Office, arguing she is most qualified to take this job.

The current investigation of Laura Codruta Kovesi is an obvious way to obstruct her from running for the European Chief Prosecutor position, European Commissioner for Justice and Consumer Protection Vera Jourova said on Thursday in Bucharest, while attending the conference ‘European Competition and Consumers’ Day’.

The European Parliament team and the EU Council one have failed to reach a consensus on the European Prosecutor’s Office candidate also on Thursday, with the next meeting being scheduled for April 10. Former Romanian anti-corruption chief Laura Codruta Kovesi is also running for this position, being endorsed by the European Parliament.

On the other hand, the EU Council has reiterated its endorsement for the French candidate Jean-Francois Bohnert to the detriment of Laura Codruta Kovesi, announcing that negotiations might be transferred to the future legislative term of the European Parliament.

corruptionendorsementeuropean chief prosecutorlaura codruta kovesimovementpositionyellow vests
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