A new record is set on the Romanian book market. Abraham’s Will by Igor Bergler knocks The Lost Bible off its perch, only two weeks after the pre-sales kicked off, which makes the author beat his own record. Abraham’s Will exceeded 5,000 pre-ordered copies. Bergler’s previous bestseller, The Lost Bible, had had around 4,000 pre-orders in the same period.
Readers can pre-order the book online, at litera.ro, as well as from the online book distributors and can get the book with the author’s autograph.
The 700-page novel is available as of September 1 in pre-sale order and as of October 1 countrywide.
Following the success of the “Lost Bible”, the best-sold Romanian book in the past 20 years, Igor Bergler comes up with a second novel, “Abraham’s Will”.
The most expected book of 2017, “Abraham’s Will”, is even more surprising than the first novel, as conspiracies are even more terrible, mysteries deeper, and the beat dizzier. The puzzles pieces composing the book, the cultural references hidden in plain sight and the diabolic intelligence of the construction make the book an absolutely unique experience.
Readers can pre-order de book online as of September 1st at litera.ro and on the websites of the book distributors and will also receive the book with the author’s autograph together with several gift vouchers from premium partners.
The novel will be available in hardcover format through all bookstores in Romania as of October 1st.
„What has been lost could save us from what we already have”
A scandal with prostitutes at the Americas summit in Cartagena. An attempt agains the US President’s life. A library that disappeared 2,000 years ago. A secret organization. A long history of lying popes. War criminals. A legendary city. Agents with multiple identities. A beast named „El Diablo”. A hit for hire who knows Borges be heart. Tens of disappeared manuscripts that are suddenly reappearing. The complicated codes hidden in the manuscripts. A giant and a midget. A Roman spread. A femme fatale. A policeman who cannot ever forget anything. A psychiatrist who thinks that 240 Franciscan priests are living in his brain. An orange-haired man. O story with slaves. And their president. Ordinary people trapped in unusual stories. A past that becomes present for several seconds, only to disappear again for ever. Cervantes and Eco and Borges. And on top of all, the books. All books. A novel that will haunt you long after you have read it.
„Abraham’s Will is a supreme proof that libraries never burn, that fascinating disparate stories, from mythology to Cervantes, from the Gothic novel to Stevenson’s neo-Romanticism, from Borges to Eco and from the mystic-conspirative imaginary to Dan Brown’s hermeneutic fervour, are enrolled in a Big Nation which, in its turn, is based on the entire humankind’s memory.
Parody and satire, the subversive hint and the serious interrogation, the geometrically almost shocking accuracy, epic weave, the Baroque imaginary, the metaphysical magical shiver, become, in Igor Bergler’s hands, paradoxical weapons: devastating and fascinating at the same time.
Sum of all libraries, Igor Bergler’s new Library is not addressing anymore just to memory, but is building the entire history. Through a unique, non-recurring architecture of about 700 pages: Abraham’s Will,” said Romanian writer and art critic Pavel Șușară.
The book trailer is available here.
The fans can learn further novelties on the book’s Facebook page and on the author’s website.