Animated Women, the largest exhibition project dedicated women in the animation industry, reaches Romania

The traditional practice of self-portrait meets the new technology of augmented reality in a large project exhibition dedicated to female excellence in animation. Animated Women, the initiative that aims to offer more much visibility for creators in the industry, reaches in Romania the 16th edition of Animest (8-17 October, in Bucharest). Until August 31, animation professionals from around the world, but also artists at the beginning of their careers, they are invited to register their self-portraits made in any animation technique, by filling in the online form:

During the festival, their creations will come to life in a physical installation, through AR technology.The Animated Women initiative debuted in 2020 at the Fantoche International Animation Film Festival(Switzerland), with over 40 animated self-portraits. The project also recently landed in the Netherlands, at Kaboom Animation Festival, which selected 14 portraits to display on billboards in Amsterdam and Utrecht, in an itinerant route dedicated to industry artists. So far, about 100 works have caught on life through AR technology in the project dedicated to female excellence in animation. portraits can be admired on

To enter a work, artists are invited to download the Eyejack Creator application (available on Mac and Windows) and create a free account to test their creation.

In order to meet the technical requirements, applications must include:

· Static self-portrait in square format, for print: JPG, 9921x 9921px / 300dpi with 3mm bleed;

· The same static self-portrait in JPG or PNG format 1500x1500px 72dpi (will be used as AR Trigger image);

· Animated video version of the static self-portrait: 5-30 seconds, 1500x1500px, MP4, H.264, 25fps.May include sound and transparency;

· Eyejack QR Code.

For a good tracking of the still image, the creations must have high contrast and avoid symmetries and repetitive patterns. Self-portraits can be submitted until August 31, and the best of the projects registered will be part of a multimedia exhibition organized in Bucharest during the festival.

anim'estAnimated WomenanimationAR technologyartistsaugmented realityBucharestexhibitionEyejack Creatorfemaleimageoctoberself-portraitTechnologyvideo
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