Aries Horoscope
The month splits in two main periods: before and after February 20, the day when the transits of Mars and Venus in Aries start, causing a drastic, but positive change in tonus. The first days are strongly influenced by the full Moon occurred on February 4th. Chances are for you to discover or to recommence activities that bring you joy. Moreover, it is probably to resume old friendships or to become aware of some of your friends or acquaintances related-issues, friends with whom you no longer find fulfillment in the same activities that used to bring you mutual satisfactions. One of the reasons for these relationships’ new changes might be your need to feel free in expressing creativity, originality, and innovative spirit. Besides the friendships, this need has also an impact on relationships with hierarchical superiors, but this is an old issue challenging you since Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn have formed the first square back in 2012. Until February 11, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius helps you figure it out what you really desire for the future and by the agency of what unique features you could come to the fore within your social circle as the new Moon on February 19 could provide a fresh start in this respect. The new Moon also brings along a real support enabling you to stand for your new beliefs against everyone. And, as I mentioned in the beginning of these astrological predictions, after doing a diffuse battle for your convictions while transiting Pisces, the Mars-Venus conjunction moves into Aries starting February 20. A time of radical change for your state of mind follows due both to Mars’ powerful energy and the eagerness in interactions transfused by Venus. Nevertheless, a little moderation for any undertakings will do no harm, all the more so as the two planets are to get closer to the South Node and Uranus, probably generating explosive consequences at the beginning of March.
Taurus Horoscope
In the first decade of the month, both because of the retrograde motion of Mercury in Aquarius and of the full Moon on February 4th, your career is of highest concern for you. These two astral aspects help you re-analyze your long-term goals enabling to passionately display your capacities and gifts in a unique, genuine, and creative manner. Especially at the moment of the full Moon you will be able to see the causality condition between your need for getting the appreciation, mainly from your family members, and the determination in finding an individual socio-professional path. But there is also a shock risk either by your career plans or by the approach of reformulating family-related duties or habits. A too great eagerness and assertiveness could lead you to eccentricity and revolt. Neither dictatorial burst is eluded in your behavior. Hardly along with the new Moon on February 19 (this is the second new Moon occurred on the astrological house of your career in 2015) you can have a fresh start. There might be an activity that used to fascinate you in the past, but there might also be a shift in approaching the profession – as I’ve already said – based on genuine ideas, freedom of expression and passion. Firstly occurring in 2012, the square between Uranus in Aries and Pluton in Capricorn is active once again. It is an aspect that challenges your beliefs as they are, perhaps, too traditionalist. In order to make a career leap, you need to transform and implement those beliefs. An important astrological house during February is the one responsible for friends. So, the friendships are sometimes marked by delicacy and a healing empathy, but other times by going over the line in supporting some little bit profiteer friends. Once Mars and Venus are entering Aries on February 20, a more stressful time, affected by possible mental agitation and eventually by headaches, is to come.
Gemini Horoscope
During February, profession, hierarchical position and relation to authority, generally speaking, all of them represent the fields that will catch you attention and time. The daring to communicate your own ideas, the mobility and the adaptability are several aspects that will strongly mark the above-mentioned fields. Your ruler planet, Mercury, continues its transit through Aquarius all month long, but it goes in retrograde motion until February 11. This placement on your general chart brings along the opportunity for you to reformulate beliefs and principles, most probably by means of some experiences and messages received in a strange and unexpected way, eventually through self-directed learning. As a matter of fact, in the given astrological circumstance, you will find extremely difficult to accept points of view that are different from yours as you feel eager to display your own freedom of expression. It is advisable not to forget the other’s freedom, too. The full Moon occurred on February 4th has an impact on the same segment. So, it could bring to the light the consequences of your need – not to say your vanity – for being appreciated or even acclaimed for the ideas you convey. You could find out by yourselves the consequences through the received feedback. Along with the new Moon on February 19, things have all the chances to get clarified and thence you could formulate your bold messages and plans for the future. But these must be compatible with the relationships you need to keep in your life. The astrological house responsible for career and social image is very active all month long, bringing opportunities for growth, mainly for those of you working in artistic fields or healing-related sectors, including the alternative methods here. The key to success doesn’t consist in great efforts now, but rather in either receiving the outcomes of efforts applied in the past or in rewards for some of your gifts.
Cancer Horoscope
In February, financial independence is very important for you, as you paradoxically want to achieve it under conditions of either sharing resources or using the others’ resources. It might be about loans from banks, borrows from acquaintances or money of your family. Thence, both Mercury in Aquarius and the full Moon occurred on February 4th on the Leo-Aquarius axis (that is the axis of money in your general chart) bring the things you value highly to your core concerns. The chances are that you will redesign them so that you should obtain better outcomes on a long-term basis. Especially in the first week of the month, you might confront the consequences of a waste of money, of splashing the money about current expenditures, in the most pressuring and, perhaps, unexpected way. If you spent the money some time ago, during the above-mentioned time (the full Moon and retrograde motion of Mercury), other „bills” would reach to time limit. It is possible that you might have a major difficulty in affording the current expenditures either because you have already spent much of the financial resources or due to some higher than expected interest rates for the money you’ve borrowed. There are also fortunate developments: some of you could receive spectacular or totally unexpected gifts, others of you could find ingenious or recently discovered methods in order to get rid of the financial deadlock if it is the case. Provided that two planets are going retrograde on the axis of money, it’s obvious that the developments on such complex astrological circumstances depend on the wisdom or, on the contrary, the immoderacy in planning this area. And the new Moon on February 19 should better find you enlightened as far as the reasons that generated the actual financial situation are concerned. After February 20, along with the planets Mars and Venus entering Aries, a dynamic and even explosive time begins in your socio-professional area. Changes challenging your spontaneity could appear and this is a test since we are all familiar with your bias and preference for stability and predictability.
Leo Horoscope
With two planets going in retrograde motion, a full Moon and a new Moon on this axis responsible for relationships, it’s clear which is the field requiring your greatest attention this month. Especially around the full Moon phenomenon occurred on February 4th, you could comprehend the consequences of possible excess of personality or of lack of moderation in any kind of actions (if they occurred on the direct motion of Jupiter through Leo). Just pay attention to other’s feedback, impressions and to the way they treat you. Thus and so, you will become aware of what needs must be adjusted in your behavior. It’s true that thanks to Mercury retrograde, the feedback you receive could get from sincere to insolent and you can very easily feel offended. But this will happen only after you overpass the shock of also receiving feedback, other than the compliments you keep dreaming at. Some of your partners’ unexpected answers, including those of your husband or wife, can be generated by the misapprehension or the objection of the changes you want or by rejecting the ideas considered to be too avant-garde. For those of you being part in a lawsuit, its development can surprise you, forcing you to rethink the whole strategy. Also in the early of February, the square formed between the signs of Pisces and Sagittarius, along with the opposition on the Virgo-Pisces axis, is risky regarding the expenses you make as some of them could prove to be just a way of showing your love. The new Moon on February 19 could bring along a „bill” – not necessarily a money bill – for such a behavior that is not wise at all. The planetary transits through Pisces could offer you gifts, some of them in the guise of a romantic or really novelistic action in your intimate relationship. Starting February 20, Mars and Venus transiting through Aries augur well for your state of mind, bringing optimism and initiative, but, in some cases, also for good relations with foreigners and higher education.
Virgo Horoscope
As if it wasn’t enough having the Black Moon (Lilith) transiting precisely the sign of Virgo, bringing you concerns and anxiety that eventually have an influence over your health condition! Now, in February, you are facing more challenges of this kind as there are several astrological aspects on the health axis in the chart that you have to deal with. We talk here about the full Moon, the new Moon and two retrograde planets, that is Mercury in Aquarius and Jupiter in Leo. So, even from the beginning of the analyzed month, you have to deal with the consequences of possible excesses you might make in the second half of last year. They could be related to nutrition, physical effort, and inner distress. Obviously, the symptoms differ, depending on various conditions (age, native predispositions, the care you have offered yourselves over time and so on). But I would still recommend rest, perhaps stimulated by relaxing treatments and alternative healing cures to all Virgo natives. Besides, Mercury transiting Aquarius could discover causes or previously unsuspected symptoms for some diseases, but, at the same time, it could give you the chance to be provided with revolutionary healing methods or techniques. The same astral aspects on the Leo-Aquarius axis have a great impact on your workplace and on the relationships with your colleagues. According to native biases and level of education, the lack of predictability could emphasize the unrest for some of you, but for others, the astrological aspects favor the boldness to implement new methods and creative approaches in your professional activity. There is a particular case for the risk of disclosures, probably with an immoral ingredient, linked to relationships settled at your workplace. The sign of Pisces is also crowded by transits during February. This will make you feel itching for romance in your relationships. I only hope that the romance won’t be more in your dreams than in the reality. It depends on the matureness and self-love of each person or, on the contrary, on the lack of these aspects.
Libra Horoscope
February is the month of love for you, indeed – both offered and received love. Still, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s flowing with milk and honey, but that your love affairs and relationships with your children will be your core concerns. The happenings around the full Moon on February 4th will show you, if it is the case, the consequences of your exaggerated behaviors within the social circle or of your tendencies to prove all your friends who are you and what are you capable of. Look now at the popularity you enjoy … or not and get to conclusions by yourselves. How much freedom can you take in showing love so that, at the same time, you could keep a group of friends or of acquaintances? In case that your social life is not at the desired level – although, obviously, it can be at the desired level for the more moderated natives – the wisest option for you would be to avoid the easy way of behaving or speaking in a shocking manner just to get yourselves noticed. This is a risk brought by Mercury retrograde in Aquarius until February 11, but you can avoid with the help of moderation that, thanks God, you are gifted with. Another possibility suggested by the full Moon and the two retrograde planets – Jupiter in Leo and Mercury in Aquarius – is represented by surprises in your love affair, generated by different understanding of personal freedom by you, on one hand, and by your partner, on the other hand. In addition, the relationships with kids could be altered through fast reforms and the answer would be to look at the issues arisen by them from another angle so that you could avoid the blocking into the problems. The new Moon on February 19, forming a square to Saturn in Sagittarius, could be a time to trenchantly solve the above analyzed issues. The planetary transits through Pisces might create a melancholic disposition and, to some of you, even a suffering and weeping disposition. Art therapy and spending time in nature are recommended. An important moment is also on February 20, when Mars and Venus enter Aries, starting a period of dynamism and passion within your relationships.
Scorpio Horoscope
The full Moon occurring on February 4, Jupiter retrograde in Leo, Mercury going retrograde until February 11 and then going direct in Aquarius, along with the new Moon on February 19 – all these aspects have an impact on the axis of the astrological houses 4-10 in your chart. Therefore, this month the socio-professional life and your stability will deeply interconnected, with each of them bringing along consequences over the other one. Near upon the full Moon occurring when the Moon is conjunct with Jupiter retrograde in Leo, you will see the level of your authority or how much you are appreciated and respected. How much or … how little. In fact, you will face the consequences of the strategies already applied in your career and, considering them, you can admit the exaggeration in asserting authority or the neglect of some legal or moral issues, if it is the case. An eventual alteration of the socio-professional position or only of your image will prove to be destabilizing, producing an inner agitation that could surprise you through the intensity of its outer display. Mercury retrograde helps you discover new angles and, accordingly, new means for episodes from the past, eventually family-related events. Another aspect regarding quite the same issues is the new Moon in Aquarius on February 19, only that this aspect could offer answers through subtler or more channels. You can face a time of shakings, of never-ending surprises that are testing your self-confidence, but also all you have considered to be the pillars of your life. A more harmonious, tender and romantic area is your love life. Especially the singles can meet the partner of their dreams or, at least, the romance of the moment makes them see him/her that way.
Sagittarius Horoscope
What you best love is to communicate, to spread your beliefs in order to convey the truth to the others, to the entire humanity. I’m not going to appreciate now how much you succeed in this mission, but I can tell you in February it is right the axis responsible for communication that is targeted by several astrological aspects. There are two retrograde planets among them, respectively Jupiter in Leo and Mercury in Aquarius, indicating a need for adjusting your messages, means and methods to communicate. Especially around the time when the full Moon occurs on February 4th, your beliefs regarding these issues will be challenged. Learning surprising information or just having the intuition of some aspects will make you doubt, at least in your mind, about the truth you used to claim and you were ready to swear by. In fact, it is a test of honesty to you. Pay attention also to another honesty-related issue, this time to other people than yourselves as you might risk converting your good intention to help into offense for some of your friends. The same astral aspects could bring you troublesome issues with papers, either unexplainable losing or sensational finding of important papers, but also unexpected and urgent changes in planning short trips. The new on February 19 wants to assert a fresh, daring, motivating message. The only problem is the tension from Saturn in Sagittarius that could prevent you from receiving feedback. Others may consider it as fatuousness or vanity from you. Around mid February, you can enjoy few days of calmness and tenderness within your family, the planets transiting Pisces being responsible for that. After February 20, Mars and Venus are transiting Aries, making you even more adventurous that you already are.
Capricorn Horoscope
Money and other material resources are of high importance for you in February as this is the area of your chart where the full Moon, the new Moon, as well as the retrograde motions of Mercury in Aquarius and of Jupiter in Leo occur. Around February 4th, the effects of the full Moon phenomenon on the Leo-Aquarius axis are active. Then you’ll have the opportunity to see the boundaries of an old approach of making money. At the same time, you are challenged to find out and to try new, innovative methods in this field. Your well-known traditionalism is seriously provoked as the astral context, including Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, indicates solutions derived from inventiveness, creativity and daring in approaching finances. For individual cases, there is also the least fortunate possibility of having to deal with expenses on account of either older debts or exaggerated, immoderate expenses, perhaps some of them being made in partnership or on credit. The aspects show a great eagerness for freedom in dealing with money, but the circumstances don’t allow it yet. The new Moon in Aquarius on February 19 wants to solve the money issues at once and to settle the finances on new grounds. Only that the square to Saturn in Sagittarius could make you push forward while the economical or legal context, eventually abroad-related context, are restrictive. The middle of the month seems to be favorable to communication. There are conditions for amiable discussions that even you, the mathematical and serious Capricorn natives, could show empathy and flexibility to. The merits for this tendency belong mainly to Venus-Mars conjunction in Pisces.
Aquarius Horoscope
The display of your personality as free as possible is the major preoccupation for you in February, closely followed by the money earning. Firstly, on February 4th, the full Moon occurs in the context of retrograde motions of Jupiter in Leo and Mercury in Aquarius. It is a time of adjusting your persona, of the way you introduce yourself to world. This adjustment is based on the feedback you perceive from the people with whom you are in close or social relationships. A distance proved by their behavior could mean either a miscomprehension or a disapproval of your language and attitude. You need to analyze and re-analyze, Mercury retrograde says, how much of the distance is caused by their incapacity of taking in ingenious and avant-garde ideas and how much by the poor adaptation of your message to the present time or to the audience. Outward, the geniality and madness don’t look very different. You will become more aware of the fact that the good can’t be imposed to the society by force as the change of mentality is a long and troublesome process. Inclusively around the new Moon occurred on February 19, mainly because of the square to Saturn in Sagittarius, you will be eager to break barriers through imposing your futuristic beliefs and the principle of respecting the individual freedom. Perhaps the first step would be for you to actually respect the individual freedom of the others to not adhere to your beliefs as they might be more traditionalists or less foresighted compared to you. I was saying that the second important issue in February would be the money. The planetary transits through Pisces, but especially Venus-Mars conjunction, indicate nice rewards for activities based on exploiting a gift. In fact, this is the aim of the transits through the astrological house responsible for money: to inspire you in putting your individual talents to work. This is the principle for you – „more inspiration, less perspiration”.
Pisces Horoscope
Career, workplace, money and relationships are the areas activated in February and this means you will not get bored at all. Problems, discontentment, delays for the expected outcomes at your workplace can cause exhausting psychic anxiety, especially near upon February 4th, when the full Moon occurs. The astrological context of the moment, including Jupiter retrograde in Leo and Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, brings to the light some optimism abuse that you eventually based your professional activity on. You could have to deal with surprises that totally dish your plans. The impact is on the career, too, mainly around February 19, when the new Moon in Aquarius forms a square to Saturn in Sagittarius. It reveals a difficulty in imposing yourselves as a leader as if your freedom of expression would be hold captive – yes, it sounds paradoxically – at least for the moment. But the good news is coming from the astrological house of personality. After a beginning of the month influenced by dreaming and tendency to run from the rules of a relationship, once the Venus-Mars conjunction is formed in Pisces, you will appear no less than charming in the eyes of the others. You have a romantic disposition and a sweet appearance that could take the fancy of many. You have enough inspiration to feel and to make others feel like their heroes from love stories. Another important time of the analyzed month is February 20, when Venus-Mars conjunction is moving to Aries, pushing you to earn money. It’s a trend that, fortunately, will continue in March, too.
The source: Psi Astrology