Films by famous Romanian directors screened at Hamburg

Feature films by Cristian Mungiu, Corneliu Porumboiu, Radu Muntean and Cristi Puiu such as “Reconstruction” or “Tuesday, after Christmas” will be screened at “Filmland Rumänien”, the Romanian movie month in Hamburg, an event taking place until February 28.

“In 2007 at Cannes, “4 months, 3 weeks, 2 days” movie directed by Cristian Mungiu won Palme d’Or. The success of a Romanian film at the most important film festival is not the only one and is not an isolated phenomenon. Film critics agree that there is a new trend in cinema, which they call «Romanian new wave». After living the Ceausescu dictatorship the hard way, film authors say their word with a documentary distance and a gram of black humor, with which they process a dark past and an uncertain present of the country they live in. A contraindicated series of films for those weak-nerved!”, reads the website of B-Movie cinema, where the retrospective dedicated to Romanian filmmakers’ productions starting with “Reconstruction” by Lucian Pintilie, and “Meanders” by Mircea Saucan and until “The second game” by Corneliu Porumboiu is presented.

Romanian Film Festival spans on a period of one month and takes place for the first time in the city of Hamburg in Northern Germany, informs the Romanian Cultural Institute (ICR).

Thus, there will be screened “4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days” by Cristian Mungiu, “Policeman, adjective” by Corneliu Porumboiu, “The Death of Mr. Lazarescu” by Cristi Puiu, “Reconstruction” by Lucian Pinitilie, “Tuesday, after Christmas” by Radu Muntean, “Videograms of a revolution” by Harun Farocki and Andrei Ujica, “The second game” by Corneliu Porumboiu, “When I want to whistle, I whistle” by Florin Serban, “Meanders” by Mircea Saucan and “Was it or was it not” by Corneliu Porumboiu.

corneliu porumboiu radu muntean cristian mungiuFilmland Rumänienreconstruction lucian pintilietuesday after christmas radu muntean
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