Amid the events of the last week, the National Chamber Choir “Madrigal – Marin Constantin” announces the recording and publication of the National Anthem of Ukraine – “Ukraine is not dead yet” / “Ще не вмерла Україна”.
Tania Kolotylo, a young refugee from Ukraine, was invited to sing with the Madrigal Choir, conducted by Caesar-Mihail Verlan.
“I’m from Ukraine. Because of the war that is happening now in my country, I had to flee with my mother and my brother, in Romania, to save our lives. In Ukraine it is now a very difficult situation. A terrible war, in which the aggressor is Russia. I am very grateful to the Romanian volunteers who support my compatriots at the border, take them over and offer them shelter and help. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for such strong support. (…) ” said Tania, 17, refugee from Ukraine.
The National Chamber Choir “Madrigal – Marin Constantin” is in solidarity with the drama of the Ukrainian people and joins the initiatives of Romanians that contribute to alleviating the refugee situation in Romania.
Madrigal and Cantus Mundi specialists and trainers are preparing a series of interactive workshops on communication through music and movement and music education, in which they will work together with children and adolescents from families hosted in Romania.