„Morometii 2” film crew touring Romania with the movie previews before the official release

Moromeții 2 film will hit the theaters in Romania on November 16, however the film crew will embark on a tour across the country starting October-end. The promotion tour organized by the Transilvania Film aims at reaching 50 cities.

The first stop will be in Oradea at Queen Mary Theatre on October 29, with two screenings in store, at 18:00hr and 20:30hr. Both screenings will be followed by a Q&A session. Tickets (RON 20) are available at Eventbook.ro.

Next stops are in Piatra Neamț (October 29, 20:30hr, Patria Cinema), Hunedoara (October 30, 19:00, Flacăra Cinema), Deva (October 30,  20:00, Patria Cinema), Oravița (October 31, 18:00, Oravița 3D Cinema), Reșița (October 31, 20:00, Dacia Cinema), Caransebeș (November 1, 20:00, Luna 3D Cinema), Vulcan (November 2, 18:30, Luceafărul Cinema) and Petroșani (November, 20:00, Victoria Cinema). Tickets are available at the cinemas’ booking offices and online at Eventbook for the screenings in Piatra Neamț, Hunedoara and Deva.

Moromeții 2 caravan continues its journey on November 3 in Târgu Jiu, at Sergiu Nicolaescu Cinema (19:00), and in Drobeta-Turnu Severin, „Teodor Costescu” Culture Palace ( 19:00). The movie reaches Craiova, at the city’s National Theatre on November 4, with two screenings scheduled at 17:30 and 20:00 and Sibiu, on November 7, at „Ion Besoiu” Cultural Centre, at 18:00 and 20:30.

Timisoara will host the film’s preview on November 12, at Banatul Philharmonics (18:00 and 20:30.) Tickets, RON 30, are on sale at Eventbook.ro.

Other cities where the Moromeții 2 is touring in the near future are Iași, Cluj, Ploiești, Constanța, Arad, Zalău, Roman, Ploiești, Caracal, Slatina, Turda, Târgu Mureș, Alba Iulia, Sebeș, Sighișoara, Mediaș, Brașov, Pitești, Bacău, Galați and Brăila.

Moromeții 2 continues the story of Ilie Moromete’s family from the small village on the Danube Plane and focuses on the youngest son, Niculae in a time when Communist are taking the power in Romania. The official trailer is available here.

The film is directed by Stere Gulea, production is signed by Oana Giurgiu and Tudor Giurgiu, with Horațiu Mălăele, Dana Dogaru and Iosif Paștina starring.

The gala premiere is due at Sala Palatului in Bucharest on November 5, at 8 p.m. The event is already sold-out.

morometii 2Novemberpremierepreviewstere guleatheaterstour romaniatransilvania film
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