Journeys on canvas powered by Artmark

Famous works by Nicolae Tonitza, Theodor Pallady, Gheorghe Petra?cu, Ion ?uculescu or Samuel Mützner are again on display at Artmark. Imaginary trips or not, creation stays on the seaside or in the mountains, adventures up to the end of the world, all these inspired the painters.

Mützner even gets to Japan, in Kyoto, where starts depicting the locals the their day-to-day life. Such a moment is captured in „Afternoon at the Summer Palace (Poissons rouges) (rated for EUR 15,000-25,000). The work took part in the faimous „Le Japon” exhibition organized by the artist firstly in Bucharest and then in New York during January-March 1916.

A delicte observer of the human expressivity, Nicolae Tonitza is part of the exhibition with „Purity” (rated for RON 35,000-55,000). The work belongs to the „Spleen” series made in 1925-1926. Tonitza’s trip to Durau, at the bottom of Ceahlau Mountains went down to posterity not only by the frescoes of the village’s monastery, byt also by „Wild roses” painting (rated for EUR 10,000-15,000).

Another travelling painter, Gheorghe Petra?cu was staying in Eforie in 1934 (after having recently visited Padova, Chioggia, Venice) where he painted his wife in „The woman with umbrella” (rated for EUR 12,000-18,000). The painter is also presented in the Artmark display with a maturity work „Static nature with book and red fan” (rated for EUR 15,000-25,000), which evokes the atelier’s intimacy and the poetry of simple things that Petrascu used to develop along with the denial to leave hsi private space.

In a different token, Ion ?uculescu is present with „Rapini field”(rated for EUR 18,000-25,000).

In his turn, Theodor Pallady chose to enrich his visual universe by visiting the entire Europe, yet staying attracted the most by the intimacy of the indoors found in these locations. „Static nature with flowers, fan and caryatid” is such an example, rated for EUR 15,000-25,000). Its importance is increased by the fact it belongs to Marie Jeanne (Diamandy) and Nicolae Bastaki’s collection.

The exhibition can be visited until June 16, while the Summer Auction is due on June 17, starting 19:30, at Athénée Palace Hilton.

Artmarkauctioncanvasexhibitiongheorghe petrascuIon TuculescujourneyNicolae TonitzaSamuel Mütznertheodor pallady
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