Romanian Grigorescu’s painting sold for EUR 85,000 at Artmark

Artmark spring auction brought the most important result of the Romanian art market in 2015. „Little peasant with distaff” painted by great Nicolae Grigorescu was the glamour girl of the night, being sold for EUR 85,000. The second star of the auction „Child head” by Nicolae Tonitza was knocked down for EUR 58,000.

Nude in the red armachair” by Theodor Pallady was sold for EUR 17,000. „Costume with bucolic motifs” by Georgeta Naparus was knocked down for EUR 11,000, „Deal” by Horia Bernea –for EUR 10,000 and „Marketplace in Tulcea” by Nicolae Darascu –also for EUR 10,000. The total of the auction’s selling amounted to EUR 400,000 with an 80 percent awarding rate.

The new exhibition available as of May 5 will comprise a unique selection, from furnishings and authort deco art, to modern and classical jewelry, Romanian and European painting and graphics. The exhibition will be also on display in the Cesianu Racovita Palace’s yard.

The auctions due on May will be divided in two evenings at Athénée Palace Hilton. „Three Romanian avant-garde painters from European colections: Magdalena R?dulescu, Hans Mattis Teustch ?i Alexandru ?ipoiaauction and Jewelry and Design auction will take place on May 26, while on May 28 there will be other four auctions: the auction of Sculpture and Garden Furniture, „Ciucurencu and disciples” auction „Two masters of the Romanian Values: Ludovic Basarab and Honoriu Cretulescu” auction and Graphics and Maps auction, including an engraving collection by Theodor Aman.


Artmarkauctionchild headdistafflittle peasantNicolae GrigorescuNicolae Tonitzapainting
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