When borders are not confined only to territorial boundaries, but broke up families, tear down relations and start wars, we don’t notice anymore how close people next to us are, the neighbours.
This is the background that prompted the Black Sea Arts Festival, an event which plans to settle interpersonal and inter-ethnic divergences among the peoples around the Black Sea through art. The second edition of the festival is due October 11-14 at Industria Bumbacului corporate office in Bucharest, in partnership with Nod Makerspace, Mater, TOT, La Firul Ierbii and Deschis Gastrobar.
The Festival will get together under the same umbrella artists from Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania, with lots of events in store: film screenings, documentaries, photo exhibitions-video and painting, debates and Q&A, theatre, concerts, workshops and architecture projects.
At the same time, Black Sea Arts Festival will draw attention over the social, political and economic situation from the Black Sea area, next to experts, producers and journalists, presenting films and debates related to the culture and the latest events in the Black Sea countries.
Among the events of the festival, there is Black Sea Diaries, a photo-video documentary about a region that is the spotlight due to the ended or ongoing conflicts in its coastal countries, with the authors wanting to bring to light the human factor and to reveal its day to day unrest.
Several protagonists of the documentary will attend the event: artist Ramon Sadic from Dobruja, Yinon, the musician adopted by Turkey, which hosted ADO Theatre from Azerbaijan.
BabaReasa project signed by Somedesign will be displayed for the duration of the festival. It is an unconventional playground, between modern and tradition: the little houses, architectural replicas of the traditional households in Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan and Ukraine will turn into mini cinemas for the little ones, where cartoons made by every participant country will be screened.
The key event of the festival is the long term performance workshop, performed by director and artist Vera Iona Papadopolou, who is working in Greece and Moscow and who collaborated with Marina Abramovic (GARAGE – the Contemporary Art Museum: Marina Abramovic – THE ARTIST IS PRESENT, 2011) and with Yoko Ono (MOMA and GARAGE: Yoko Ono Morning Peace, 2015).
The seating is limited.
Early registrations are available only today, while registrations continue by September 15. Late registration: September 15-October 5.
More details about the workshop and registration here.
More about the programme soon – Black Sea Arts Festival.
BLACK SEA ARTS FESTIVAL is an event organized by Pamanteni NGO, with the support of the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation – A Project of the German Marshall Fund of the United States.