“The Lost Bible” bestseller, with over 82,000 sold copies, marks 1st anniversary

RAO publishing house informs that one year is celebrated on September 1st since Igor Bergler’s “Lost Bible” has been put for sale. Less over 82,000 copies have been sold this year, which makes it the best-sold fiction book by a Romanian author in the past 20 years, and with one exotic exception during the period after the 1989 Revolution.

One by one, the novel broke record after record. It was the first book in Romania posting presales of over 10,000 copies; over 3,200 copies were sold in the first weekend after its release in bookshops. Those 125,000 visitors of Gaudeamus Book Fair in 2015 voted “The Lost Bible” as “the most desired book” of the fair, with 1,600 copies sold in just five days.

At the same time, in an unprecedented move for a Romanian book, one of the largest literary agencies in the world, Trident Media Group from New York, won the right to represent the novel in the world.

The book also registered a striking success also on social media, getting more than 25,000 likes on Facebook, which has never happened so far for a book in Romania.

RAO publishing house also informed that the second revised and enlarged edition of the book is in course of issue at a more accessible price than the first one. The second edition will be released at the Gaudeamus book fair this year.

We don’t have to let ourselves fooled by the fact that Igor Bergler has missed the literature reader’s comfortable horizon until now. He didn’t take preliminary steps to grow up before our eyes, but he came already packed and made, like a bulldozer, and that confused many. Igor Bergler, besides the market success, but this will also tells much, is one of the most impetuous writers in our contemporary literature and his book, although apparently localized, is the first that I know to address, through the type of imaginary, through style, structure and particularly through its cultural and creative layers, like a Russian doll, a reader who read all, starting with the Babylonian excerpts up to the theory of the multiuniverses. It’s a book of stunning complexity. A large narration endlessly disheveled, “ said critic Pavel Susara.

RAO’s representatives also say that “The Lost Bible” success seems to be from another planet. In their view, the book is also the best-promoted book in Romania’s history. “We are glad that Igor Bergler chose us. It honors us but at the same it’s a confirmation of the confidence that our publishing house is enjoying. We are glad to announce that the second novel of the “Charles Baker” series, entitled “Lincoln’s Last Secret” is to be released soon at RAO,” the publish houses states.

I am thrilled about the book’s success, but my greatest satisfaction comes from my readers’ reactions. Thousands of messages from enthusiast readers are the greatest joy of an author. The Lost Bible is a much more complicated book than at first sight. And, yet, to my content, very many readers understood my intentions. I have recently launched my author website, www.igorbergler.ro , where readers found out a lot of surprises, I almost don’t get to answer messages. This second pocket-size issue, and I hope a collection edition, is totally dedicated to them, next to my thanks. I take my hat off to them!,” Igor Bergler said.

1st anniversarybestsellerfiction bookgaudeamus book fairigor berglerNew Yorkpocket sizerao publishing housereadersrecordthe lost bibletrident media group
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