The Romanian events market, increasingly attracted by art-deco and boem-chic styles

According to an internal analysis by Fabrica de Profile (FDP), the year 2024 has brought new trends in event-hall design styles, whether urban or rural, migrating from classic-modern to neo-classic, bohemian-chic, or art-deco.

The increasingly complex and sophisticated demands have been visible since the last few years when these new trends started to emerge and whet the appetite for bolder styles. Most of those who have requested decorative details for their events in recent years – indoor or outdoor – have preferred classic, classic-elegant, classic-modern elements, gradually giving way to choices from art-deco or bohemian-chic styles.

“Beyond this departure from the classic style, we can also see a rise in custom design services, so personalized decorative products have overtaken catalog products. This indicates a growing confidence of both event organizers and end clients in the creativity and training of design experts”, states Dan Panciu – CEO & Founder – FDP.

Another exciting thing observed in FDP’s analysis is that environmental or geographical factors did not influence the trend toward a particular architectural style. In other words, the same trends can be found in the design of event venues, be it a village in Transylvania or a big city in Muntenia or Moldova.

“Preferences in interior and exterior design highlight the evolution that characterizes society at a given time – it tells the story of the aesthetic changes in our lives. The still-shy transition from classic, modern, elegant style to geometric shapes and sophisticated lines reflects the growing desire to combine refinement with innovative and modern elements. Fabrica de Profile responds to today’s aesthetic needs, but more than that, it transforms into reality any element that a designer or client can imagine. Whatever we envision in terms of decorative elements, FDP manages to give shape to it through its technology and team,” Panciu adds.

If, for a long time, the elegant-modern style dictated in the events market, today’s interior design specialists talk about a trend towards a more chic, bohemian style, and more adapted to the client’s tastes, whether end client or interior/exterior architect.

“The pandemic sounded like a wake-up call, and I think it has taken things in a new direction; even if the pace has been slow or shy, we see today that people are starting to understand spaces differently, to relate to them differently. We are more and more pragmatic. We started with the style of living, but gradually, this trend has started to make its presence felt in the area of event spaces. We are increasingly concerned about the comfort a space offers and how we use it and feel about it. In the area of event venues, there are now two trends: classic, statement, ostentatious, imposing, and this trend still dominates the market, but there is also another direction, the reinterpreted classic, the chic, where more and more account is taken of the identity and the story of the place,” according to Vladimir Mîndru, partner architect at FDP.

Interior design specialists say that your experience in a particular space is becoming increasingly important, including for the events market.

“People have realized that feeling good and sensations are more important than sitting in an imposing space that overwhelms you. The focus is now on the individual, on sensations and perceptions, not on dimensions, sizes, or visual extravagance, and this is why event spaces are increasingly built with the help of specialists, not by ear; they are no longer left to chance or catalog pictures”, adds the architect.

architectart decobohemian-chicclassicdesignevent-hallFabrica de Profile (FDP)modernromanian events marketruralstylestrendsurban
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