TasteAtlas Awards – Best cuisines, dishes and local restaurants in 2022

TasteAtlas, the world food atlas, has published a list of the 100 best traditional dishes in the world for 2022.

Based on more than 100,000 ratings for 15,000 foods from 195 countries, these are this year’s final rankings of the best dishes and cuisines.

Japanese Karē has been voted the best traditional dish in the world, with an average score of 4.92. The second best for the second year in a row is Brazilian Picanha (4.86), followed by simple Portuguese dish Amêijoas à Bulhão Pato (4.859). Chinese dumplings Tangbao and Guotie are in the fourth and fifth place on the Best Dishes list for 2022.

Best Cuisines in the World

The top list of world cuisines was determined by the average rating of the best-rated dishes, foods and drinks from each country. 95 countries had enough food items and valid ratings to be included in this year’s ranking.

Italian cuisine leads the top 95 list, with an average rating of 4.72. It is followed by Greek, Spanish, Japanese and Indian cuisine.

Read more on www.tasteatlas.com/best.

2022Amêijoas à Bulhão Patobest traditional dishesBrazilian PicanhaChinese dumplingscuisinesfood atlasItalianJapanese KarerestaurantaTasteAtlasworld
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