Ion Țiriac’s foundation announced that, starting in 2023, it will organize six ITF Futures tournaments and one WTA 125 category tournament in Romania.
The tournaments are included in the calendar of the International Tennis Federation and in that of the Romanian Tennis Federation, they represent an addition to the competitions held by the national federation.
The stake of the 6 ITF Futures tournaments (3 in the men’s circuit and 3 in the women’s circuit) accumulates 110,000 euros, each separate competition integrating prizes with the value of 15,000 euros and 15 ATP points, respectively of 25,000 euros and 25 ATP points. The main singles draw of the ITF Futures tournaments will consist of 32 Romanian and foreign players, while the doubles draw will include 16 local and foreign teams.
“We run these tournaments because we want to give Romanian players the chance to perform without allocating massive financial efforts related to participating in foreign competitions.
The final goal is to considerably increase the number of Romanian athletes in the top 1000 ATP and WTA players. The Ţiriac Foundation must bring its contribution to make up for the lack of public funds allocated to the Romanian Tennis Federation, thus expanding the number of national competitions awarded with prizes and ATP, respectively WTA points,” said Ion Ţiriac.
The schedule of the 6 ITF Futures tournaments in Romania (2023)
Cluj, with prizes worth a total of 15,000 euros, scheduled between June 19-25, 2023
Braşov, 25,000 euros, July 3-9, 2023
Bucharest, 15,000 euros, September 18-24, 2023
Arad, 15,000 euros, August 7-13, 2023
Bistrita, 25,000 euros, August 14-20, 2023
Bucharest, 15,000 euros, September 4-10, 2023.
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