2019 draft budget delayed, to be amended, sources say

The Government might vote the state budget draft for 2019 in its Friday sitting after amending it amid criticism launched by mayors, but also by UDMR, the party representing the Magyar community from Romania, which is endorsing PSD-ALDE ruling coalition in Parliament.

On Sunday, PM Viorica Dancila had announced that all efforts will be taken so that the budget draft should be adopted on Tuesday. Both PM Dancila and Finance minister Eugen Teodorovici attended the PSD Executive Committee on Sunday to present the budget draft. At the end of the meeting, Dancila said that part of the mayors’ discontent is real, but other statements are electoral.

As we previously underlined, we have three priorities- healthcare, education and public investments. Our budget will reflect these priorities,” the premier said.

However, PSD leader Liviu Dragnea raged out against intelligence services’ proposed higher budget late on Sunday, saying healthcare programmes deserve more funds.

As for the criticism on the funds allotted to the local city halls, and especially referring Bucharest mayor Firea’s accusations, Dragnea stated that the Capital city hall’s budget has not been cut, but on the contrary, it increased, advising the local leaders to respect their electoral promises and not to waste money on nonsense.

I want a reasonable sum from the budget of the intelligence services to be relocated to the Healthcare for vital programmes, especially for children. A programme for free vitamin D that is an important vitamin for the human being, can be considered a national security programme as well,” Dragnea said.

Vitamin D is already free of any charge for the children in Romania.

2019amendedBucharestbudget draftdelayeddiscontentfireahealthcareintelligence serviceLiviu Dragneamayorspm dancilavitamin D
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