Annual inflation rate, minus 2.1 pc in January

The consumer price index was of minus 2.1% in January 2016 as compared to January 2015, reads a release issued by the National Statistics Institute (INS) on Monday.
The release further reads that the share of goods and services registering a fall in prices was of 53.3%, while the share of those registering a price increase of 0-2.4% was of 28.9%. The goods with price increases higher than 2.5% had a share of 17.8%.
Foodstuff prices have fallen by 6.3% against January 2015.
The BNR inflation target for 2016 is 2.5%, plus/minus one percentage point. For 2017 the central bank forecasts an inflation rate of 3.4%.

BNRcentral bankconsumer price indexfoodstuffinflation rateinflation targetINSstatistics
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