INS: Bankers’ wages dropped, the ones in the public sector slightly increased in May

The average net salary in May 2020 has been RON 3,179, by RON 3 less than in April, and the gross one RON 5,188, according to the latest report by the National Institute of Statistics on the May average earnings in Romania.

However, as compared to May of the previous year, the average net nominal earnings increased by 2.5 %.

In May 2020, in the activities belonging to the economic sector2, the level of the average net earnings registered, in almost equal measures, both decreases and increases, as against the previous month, amid the coronavirus pandemic and the lockdown that prompted firing or furlough.

The highest values of the average net nominal earnings were recorded in computer programming, consultancy and related activities (including information service activities) (RON 7,772), while the lowest in accommodation and food service activities ( RON1, 394).

Decreases of the average net earnings as against April 2020 were caused by suspending/ceasing the activity, continuation of technical unemployment of many economic operators, production unachievements or lower receipts (depending on contracts/projects), partial remuneration of the employees in certain economic activities.

Also, the decreases of the average net earnings were determined by occasional bonuses (including Easter bonuses), payments in kind and other allowances, amounts from the net profit and other funds (including value tickets) granted in the previous month, as well as laying off the staff with higher earnings as against the average, in certain economic activities.

The most significant decreases in the average net earnings have been recorded as follows:

• By 16.7% in financial service activities (except insurance and pension funding), by 16.2% in insurance, reinsurance and pension funding (except compulsory social security), respectively by 14.9% in activities auxiliary to financial services and insurance activities, as a result of granting occasional bonuses in the previous months;

• Between 6.0% and 12.0% in motion picture, video and television programmes production, sound recording and music publishing activities (including programming and broadcasting activities), air transport, telecommunications, manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products, manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations, mining support service activities;

• Between 3.5% and 5.5% in manufacture of basic metals, manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c., manufacture of beverages, electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply, publishing activities.

The increases of the average net earnings as against April 2020 were determined by granting occasional bonuses (quarterly, annual or performance bonuses), payments in kind and other allowances, amounts from the net profit and other funds (including value tickets). Also, the increases of the average net earnings were due to resuming of activity of certain economic agents as a result of the cessation of the emergency state and the introduction of some relaxation measures, higher production achievements or receipts level (depending on contracts/projects), as well as laying off the staff with lower earnings as against the average, in certain economic activities.

The most significant increases in the average net earnings have been recorded as follows:

• By 20.9% in extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas, as a result of granting occasional bonuses;

• By 15.2% in manufacture of leather and related products, respectively by 11.3% in manufacture of furniture, as an effect of activity resumption, but also due to laying off staff with lower earnings as against the average;

• Between 4.0% and 8.0% in manufacture of wearing apparel, other manufacturing, postal and courier activities, manufacture of rubber and plastic products, manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork (except furniture, including manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials), accommodation and food service activities.

In the budgetary sector were registered increases of the average net earnings as against the previous month, thus: in education (+5.4%) as a result of the hourly payments of teaching staff, in health and social assistance (+3.2%), as a result of continuing to grant the risk incentive for healthcare professionals involved in the treatment of patients with COVID-19, in accordance with the legal provisions in force, respectively in public administration (+1.0%).

accommodationaverage gross salaryaverage net salarycomputer programmingconsultancyearningseconomyfood serviceINSnational institute of statistics
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